Friday, October 29, 2010


I've watched Taylor go from a newborn to a cute toddler through her Mom's Facebook photos.  I've always thought she was a cute little girl, but after meeting her, I know that it's not only on the outside that she's cute.  She was such a sweet little girl!  Can't wait to see her in her Mom's wedding next Spring!

Goldie & Michael

When Goldie first contacted me about doing her wedding, I was incredibly excited!  My first official wedding!  And, then about a week later, apprehension set in.  I was scared to death.  This was not just a portrait session, this was a wedding.  Weddings only happen once in a person's lifetime.  There is no do-over. 

Lucky for me, everything about that day turned out perfect. 

Thanks for letting me part of such a special day in your lives.


Anne-Kelly is the daughter of one of my greatest friends, Rachel.  She recently celebrated her first birthday and these are the photos of her family party "back home," in Kentucky.

Heritage 76 Salon (

I did a shoot for my hair stylist, Brandi.  She recently launced her own website ( 

Brandi is such a remarkable girl!  Love her to pieces!


I love these kids so much & wish I got to see them more often!


Mackenzie & I ventured out with the idea that we'd get some great shots within southern Kentucky. 

The History

Chances are, if you're reading this, you already know about Dot Photography and the the photographer, Ameroy (hey, that's me!).  But, in case you're new to Dot Photography....

I think I've always had a love affair with photography.  When I turned 14, I was able to purchase my first SLR camera (and I worked for it, which made it mine).  I was always with my camera.  It was either always around my neck or in my backpack.  It came with me into my high school journalism class.  And, with the help of a wonderful journalism teacher, I found my calling, realizing that I could do this as a career. 

And then, life happened.  I had bills, and being a full time student who could not pass her French class to keep her GPA up to continue to be in school, I was put into a job that had nothing to do with photography. 

It wasn't until after my Mamaw passed away, that my 14 year old cousin & I went on an adventure to try to get our minds off of things and have a good time; we went all over Warren, Allen and Grayson county, just taking pictures. I put some of the pictures up on Facebook, and from there, Dot Photography was born.

Why Dot Photography? 
My Mamaw's name was Dorothy.  In a journal titled, "Mom, Tell Me Your Story," she had written that her mother called her Dot as a little girl.  I couldn't have a better name.